LEIBER Fahrzeugtechnik

Top Position & Promotion Plan (All Inclusive Listing) Claimed
LEIBER Fahrzeugtechnik
Industriestraße 6
78234 Engen
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Products and company photos
Company type
Component manufacturer, End product manufacturer, Service provider
Number of employees
Year of foundation of the company
Sales regions
International (includes National and Regional)
Service description

We manufacture and repair LEIBER-vehicles for green areas and containers for green waste. Contact us for our product and price lists.

Service description (German)

Wir fertigen und reparieren LEIBER-Fahrzeuge für Grünanlagen sowie Behältnisse für Grünabfälle. Kontaktieren Sie uns für unsere Produkt- und Preislisten.

Price lists and catalogs (only registered users can access the price lists)
Price list #1

vehicles for green areas

(NOTE: The link to the price list of the company (if provided), is only visible if you are logged-in. Sign up now to see the price lists and to promote your own business.)

Language(s) of price list
Link to corresponding product catalog
Price list #2

Containers for green waste

(NOTE: The link to the price list of the company (if provided), is only visible if you are logged-in.)

Language(s) of price list
Link to corresponding product catalog
Contact this supplier/Ask for price lists if none available here
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